
10 principles to be a successful Student.

We shall be looking into 10 principles on how to make a successful person in our schools, business places, and other associations. We shall also look at what our motivation should be as Christians professing godliness in an ungodly world.

How To Be a Man.

We shall be looking into how we can be orderly and decent, is living orderly crucial and important for a Christian? As a Christian whose life is hid in Christ should I be indifferent in living orderly? Was Christ an orderly Man? And if so, is there any biblical evidence? Join us as we uncover Christian order.

True Christian Unity.

Christian unity, What is it? What is the unifying factor? What is its aim and purpose? Is the idea of Christian unity meant to imbued us with its principles or are the people meant to diffuse their various ideas into it? What is the foundation of Christian unity? Is Christian unity a social club? Join us, as we deal with the concerns of Christian unity.

Mind therapy.

What is the mind? Can our mind influence the way we think? What constitute our thoughts? Why and how can our thoughts make us depressed? Can our thoughts influence our Character development? Can our Character determine our destiny for heaven or hell? Are there solutions to the mind-problem? Come, as we dig into the sophistries of the mind and discover solutions to its problems.

2020 review: Signs of Christ’s second coming.

How did you see the year 2020? Have you pondered all that happened? Does it remind you of anything? Did you see the signs of Christ’s coming written in Matthew 24 playing in quick succession? How do you feel, to know Christ’s coming is near and even at the door? Do you feel hopeful or do you feel fearful? Join us as we review the year 2020 in the light of Christ’s second coming.

The Forbidden Tree: A Matter of simple Faith and Loyalty.

The “Forbidden Tree”, what does that remind your of? The garden of Eden right? Was this tree an instrument to test the faith and loyalty of Adam and Eve? Did they pass the test? What can we learn from their experience? Does God have a similar test today? Do we have the benefit of Adam’s and Eve’s experience in Eden to enable us pass this test? Would you love to know what this test is? Come with us as we unravel the mysteries behind the “Forbidden tree”.

Daniel 1

In this book of the Bible we shall explore the beautiful and firm character of Daniel and his friends in a perverted and idolatrous nation. Our aim is to learn lessons on how we can stand out in a world of wickedness and licentious, to the development of a Christ-like character amid an unchristian world

Daniel 2

In this Chapter of the book of Daniel we shall be going through historic prophecy, how God gave the transcript of world events, the rise and fall of nations to a pagan King, Nebuchadnezzar. We shall also decipher the puzzling prophecy with the use of God’s word, The Bible. Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar.

Daniel 3

In this Chapter of the book of Daniel we shall examine the life of the three hebrew Boys, Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego, how the stood to the truth unflinchingly even if it cost their lives. Is it possible to stand as the three hebrew boys stood in their time? Is it possible to hold unto the truth even if it cost our family, friends, jobs and even our lives? Join us as we discover the secret in standing firm for Truth sake.